10% Discount Off Package Deals!

Click on the button below to send us your details and we will call you back to arrange a no obligation survey and quotation. Or, if you like give us a call on 0800 029 1595 to discuss your requirements.

Loft Boarding Packages starting at…

£643 LESS 10% NOW £579

Starting 6m2 Loft Boarding system
2 or 3 Section Aluminium ladder
LED Pendant and pull switch

Why you need loft boarding?

Transform your unusable loft into new, safe and accessible storage space. Whether you've got a new or old build, loft boarding is the answer.

Extra storage space - boxes icon

Extra Storage Space

Increase your floor space by up to 50%. Store your bulky items on truss shelves and free up your garage for other things.
Reduce heat loss - sun and temperature icon

Reduce Heat Loss

Keep your home warm and cut your heating bills with the right insulation. You could save up to £250 per year.
Add value to your home - home icon

Add value to your home

Boost the value of your house by adding extra space. A good conversion can pay for itself many times over.

Get started with a free quote including no obligation survey

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I agree to my information being processed by Loft Genie to contact me via phone, email, or other means regarding information relevant to my professional interest. We will never sell your data to third parties. You can of course unsubscribe at any time.
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Call Us Now!

0800 029 1595

Our latest installations

Take a look at some of our latest installations!

An image of insulation in a wooden loft with 3 descriptions and the Made In Britain logo. The 3 descriptions indicates Safe access, air gaps and the protection that insulation offers.
SF Subframe
Loft Storage
Loft Timber Floor
Store Floor
PVC Hatch
Alu Ladder
SF Close Up
Truss Shelving
SF Subframe